Two hundred forty-two years ago this week, the American colonies formally declared their independence from Great Britain. But the Continental Congress’ adoption of the handwritten document – and the accompanying revolution – would not be televised or tweeted.
Instead, printed versions of the Declaration of Independence were quickly posted on courthouse doors throughout the colonies, where people gathered to read and discuss what had occurred.
Washington University is now home to one of the few broadsides that survive, and it’s currently on display at the university’s main library. A broadside is a large sheet of paper that – in a historical context – was posted in a public space to, among other things, announce events and proclamations.
On Monday’s St. Louis on the Air, host Don Marsh discussed the preservation and significance of this rare copy of the founding document.
“Whenever we teach history, we have to teach context,” explained David Konig, professor of law and emeritus professor of history at Washington University. “John Adams later said that only a third of the American people supported independence when it was declared, another third opposed it and another third had no opinion or were indifferent to it.
“So [sharing the document] was necessary in a democracy. I think that’s one of the things we forget is that there were no democracies at the time. This idea of starting a government based on the will of the people, the consent of the people actively engaged in politics was a radical and untried idea,” he said, explaining that posting the document in public spaces throughout the colonies was necessary to get the support of the people.

“To see students be able to connect with this sort of document is amazing,” said Cassie Brand, Washington University’s curator of rare books. “A lot of our collections are given to us by our wonderful donors and the Declaration of Independence is one of those items.”
The Newman family donated the declaration to Washington University in 2015. Known as the “Southwick Broadside,” it was posted in Warwick, Rhode Island and signed on the back by the town clerk.
Preserving a document that’s so old, however, and that’s of such historical importance is no easy task. The university acquired a custom built chamber to house it.
“It’s in its own case that has its own temperature and humidity controls,” said Nadia Ghasedi, associate university librarian for special collections.
The case was part of a large transformation project at the university’s libraries that cost more than $20 million.
“We welcome the community to come out and see all these new spaces and engage with our exhibitions,” Ghasedi said.
Related Event
What: A Celebration of the Declaration of Independence
When: 1 p.m. Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Where: John M. Olin Library (Room 142) at Washington University
St. Louis on the Air brings you the stories of St. Louis and the people who live, work and create in our region. St. Louis on the Air host Don Marsh and producers Mary Edwards, Alex Heuer, Evie Hemphill and Caitlin Lally give you the information you need to make informed decisions and stay in touch with our diverse and vibrant St. Louis region.