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NRA convention sets a record

By Matt Sepic, KWMU


St. Louis, MO – The National Rifle Association says more than 60,000 people attended its convention this weekend in St. Louis, which makes it the largest-ever convention in St. Louis. And it could be the largest-ever convention for the NRA, as well.

For St. Louis, the previous record was set by the nearly 53,000 Seventh-Day Adventists who met downtown in 2005.

"It's been an outstanding convention," said Chris Cox, the group's head lobbyist. "The people of St. Louis have been terrific to work with. We've had probably a record crowd this weekend. We're looking at 50 to 60,000 people who've come in, not only from St. Louis, but from all over the country. "

At the opening of the convention Friday, Governor Matt Blunt signed a bill that bars law enforcement from seizing people's firearms during a civil emergency. Cox said that's the first time any governor has enacted a new law at an NRA convention.

He also told KWMU's Matt Sepic that the group has been successful because it's struck a chord with voters.
