By Maria Hickey, KWMU
St. Louis, MO – Two top government officials in two different St. Louis suburbs face corruption charges in separate incidents.
St. Peters Mayor Shawn Brown has been indicted on a charge of bribery. The FBI arrested Brown Friday.
Berkley City Manager Joseph King was indicted and arrested Thursday on charges of receiving kickbacks for city business.
Despite the announcements, U.S. Attorney Catherine Hanaway says corrupt public officials are a small minority.
"Most people go to work every day and do their job very well for what the taxpayers pay them and no more," Hanaway said. "The important thing is that we root out the few bad apples, so that it doesn't spread."
Mayor Brown is accused of threatening to veto a city ordinance awarding a contract to Redflex unless the business gave him $2,700. Redflex provides traffic light enforcement equipment.
Joseph King is accused of taking up to $30,000 dollars from an insurance agent in exchange for awarding a contract with the city of Berkley.
On Friday the Berkeley City Council suspended King indefinitely and without pay. They appointed an acting city administrator in his place.