Katie Lindhorst
Development CoordinatorKatie was born and raised in North County, recently moved to University City, and she’s in love. She moved to U City for its proximity to Forest Park – the jewel of our city. There are many beautiful cities within our country to make a home, but St. Louis has always been Katie’s. A musician, Katie thinks our music and arts scene is a step ahead of most surrounding areas, with a focus on promoting local and emerging talent. From the inclusivity of The Grove, the timeless beauty of Forest Park, to our very own 90.7 St. Louis Public Radio, St. Louisan’s have a lot to be proud of.
At St. Louis Public Radio, Katie works with the membership team to raise funds and assist with event planning for the station. Both of these activities are extremely fulfilling and exciting. She loves that she gets to speak daily to our members and work closely with volunteers. Events are opportunities for Katie to share in the love of public radio and familiarize herself with listeners.
The station’s ongoing success is important to Katie because St. Louis Public Radio is a staple in our community. It is a source that thousands depend on for reliable information – including Katie and her family. She grew up, like many young people, listening to NPR in the backseat of her mom’s van on the way to school. Her mother was a teacher and taught Katie that Public Radio is an unbiased source of news and information. Katie admits that at age 7, she might not have soaked that message in entirely, but as she grew in years, she started questioning the world for herself. In St. Louis Public Radio, she and her mother, like thousands of supporting members, found reliability and a deep understanding of the community.
When Katie’s not at the station, you can find her with headphones in, behind her drum kit, or pouring over a mixing board. Music has been a part of her life since day one. Her parents were both music educators, so, as she always likes to say, “I didn’t stand a chance.” She did her time as a marching band “geek” and loved every minute of it. Later on, she started writing and performing in local groups. You’d have seen her most recently with St. Louis’s own Middle Class Fashion. Her current passion is recording, mixing, and producing original music. In the future she would love to record emerging area musicians in an effort to continue growing the St. Louis music community.