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Glimpses of Paul McKee's plan emerge

By Maria Altman, KWMU

St. Louis, MO. – Details of a major redevelopment proposal in north St. Louis by developer Paul McKee are beginning to emerge.

Two alderwomen, April Ford-Griffin and Marlene Davis, held a meeting for constituents about the project earlier this week.

The media, including KWMU, were not allowed into the event.

But assistant director of the Landmarks Association and KWMU commentator Michael Allen was there.

He says McKee's redevelopment plan would cover a substantial area.

"I think it's around 400 acres. It basically includes all of St. Louis Place, most of Jeff Vanderlou, those two neighborhoods, and then part of downtown," Allen said.

The plan includes four major commercial developments and housing.

Allen says representatives from McEagle Development and Civitas Inc. said the development would create 22,000 permanent jobs.

Developers told the group that they hope to have the St. Louis Board of Alderman's approval by mid-November and tax credits from the state by the end of the year.

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