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Missing 3-year-old boy found in good condition

Joshua Childers (handout)


St. Louis, MO. – A 3-year-old boy was found in remarkably good condition Wednesday afternoon, more than 50 hours after wandering away from home and getting lost in the rugged hills of Missouri's Mark Twain National Forest about 90 miles south of St. Louis.

Volunteer searcher Donnie Halpin said he saw two dogs along a trail. When he walked over to the dogs, he spotted Joshua Childers resting on the ground.

Halpin said he called out to the boy, and Joshua turned around and smiled. Halpin says the boy was wearing only a T-shirt and one tennis shoe.

Halpin wrapped the child in his shirt and carried him a half-mile to a home, where authorities picked him up.

Joshua suffered only scratches, but he was taken to a hospital for examination as a precaution.

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