By Adam Allington, KWMU
Clayton, MO – A pro-Palestinian group is asking Missouri Senator Kit Bond to condemn the Israeli air strikes in Gaza.
The group was picketing outside of his office in Clayton on Monday.
The St. Louis Instead of War coalition blames Bond for backing military aid to Israel. Support, which they claim is being used to perpetrate an unwarranted attack of Palestinians in the West Bank.
Hedy Epstein is a political activist and spokeswoman for Instead of War.
"Senator Bond has very close connections with Boeing and Boeing has been building F-15's which have been sold to Israel and they're made right here in St. Louis," says Epstein.
Imran Musaji was one of the people holding picket signs. He says its important to let all of Missouri's senior politicians know how they feel about Israeli military involvement in the Gaza Strip.
"It's a message for Mr. [William Lacy] Clay and Mr. Bond to take notice and hopefully take the message to the politicians and see where it goes from there," says Musaji.
Senator Bond has supported Israel's right to defend itself from attack.
Bond sits on the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee.