By Julie Bierach, KWMU
SAINT LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services is trying to increase public awareness about staph infections.
It's in response to concerns about an antibiotic resistant "superbug" that took the life of a Virginia teen.
Small outbreaks of a community acquired staph infection called MRSA have been reported in Missouri schools over the last several years. It generally infects healthy young people and looks like a boil or a pimple.
Eddie Hendrick, with the State Department of Health and Senior Services, says the infections are usually minor and can be treated with immediate medical attention.
"If they let it go, the community acquired strain, has a toxin associated with it. And over time that toxin can get in the bloodstream and allow this organism to go to other organs," said Hendrick who is the Emerging Infections Coordinator for the department.
Hedrick says prevention measures include regular hand washing, showering immediately after playing sports, and covering any skin abrasions. He also warns against sharing towels and razors.