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Effort in Illinois to boost emission requirements

By IL Public Radio

Chicago, Ill. – Illinois lawmakers are considering tougher emission standards for vehicles than the federal government. Bills are pending in the state House and Senate.

Some Illinois lawmakers want to set tougher standards to reduce greenhouses gases from vehicles. But Illinois can't do it on its own.

California is trying to get a waiver from the federal EPA, and if it wins one, other states could piggyback on the tougher standards.

Jack Darin of the state Sierra Club hopes Illinois will be one of them. "People across the country, and especially here in Illinois, are tired of waiting for Washington to adopt smart energy solutions and to take strong action to combat global warming," Darin said, in an interview.

He says enacting the California standards would eventually save Illinois a billion gallons of gas a year, and reduce pollution.

But automakers say the new regulations would be expensive, and not prevent other countries from polluting.
