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Missouri lawmakers send state budget to governor

By Marshall Griffin, KWMU

Jefferson City, MO – Missouri lawmakers Thursday night passed a $21.4 billion dollar budget for the state, which now goes to Governor Matt Blunt for his approval.

The budget includes spending increases in K-12 schools, higher education, and for the governor's Missouri HealthNet program. But House Budget Chairman Alan Icet is especially happy that they're going to hold $200 million dollars in reserve.

"I think that reflects the overall economic health of the state, which has really turned the corner to be able to leave 200 million dollars on the table," Icet said Thursday night.

Democratic Senator Joan Bray of St. Louis says she's pleased that some gains were made in social services, and that state workers will get a 3% pay raise. But she wishes more could have been done for former Medicaid recipients removed from the system two years ago.

"In health, mental health and social services, we were able to make some gains and to help some people who were desperately in need of help, and that feels very good," Bray said. "And the fact that we were able to give state employees a 3% pay raise feels very good."
