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Spring finally arrives for plants that suffered freeze

A Ginkgo tree at the Botanical Garden is budding again, a month after a spring frost destroyed the original growth.
(missouri botanical garden)
A Ginkgo tree at the Botanical Garden is budding again, a month after a spring frost destroyed the original growth.

By Matt Sepic, KWMU

St. Louis – Spring has finally sprung for trees, shrubs and flowers damaged in the cold snap last month.

Below-freezing temperatures in early April killed off buds that sprouted during the unseasonable warmth a few weeks earlier.

Missouri Botanical Garden Horticulturist Chip Tynan said those buds are growing back, but he said to stay away from plant food and fertilizer.

"It's not a good idea to feed trees and shrubs at this time," Tynan said. "A wait and see attitude is really the best course as far as trees and shrubs are concerned."

Tynan said regular watering is still a good idea unless there's plenty of rain.

He said it could be several months before damage is apparent on some trees, especially if they froze below the bark.

However the recovery of trees and decorative plants will not help Midwestern fruit growers. Orchards and vineyards in the region sustained millions of dollars in damage.
