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Barnes to begin artificial heart implants

By Maria Hickey/KWMU/AP

St. Louis, MO. – Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis will be the first Midwestern hospital to implant an artificial heart approved by the FDA two years ago.

Training to implant the CardioWest temporary Total Artificial Heart began this month.

The artificial heart - manufactured by Arizona-based SynCardia Systems - is a "bridge" device intended to help keep patients alive long enough for a heart transplant.

Washington University professor and cardiologist Dr. Greg Ewald says the results can be dramatic.

"You take people who are very, very ill, and if things go well with the surgery and the support is adequate there can be an amazing transformation into what these people can do and ultimately, hopefully get transplanted," Dr. Ewald said.

Barnes expects to do at least two artificial heart implants next year.
