Chicago, Ill – The Republican nominee for Illinois Governor, Judy Baar Topinka, says she's accepted invitations to three debates against Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
The governor's camp says he's eager to debate Topinka. But spokeswoman Sheila-Nix says he's been offering to debate for months with no response until Wednesday.
Topinka says she's accepted three invitations: One from Chicago PBS affiliate WTTW; another from the Illinois Radio Network; and a third from the Associated Press. She's also agreed to appear jointly with Blagojevich before the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago.
Nix says the Blagojevich campaign has proposed ten debates, but Topinka has declined previous offers. Topinka's campaign had previously said the candidates should hold 12 debates between Labor Day and Election Day, when voters are paying more attention.