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Wash U Stand-off Continues

Wash U sit-in.
Wash U sit-in.

By Maria Hickey, KWMU

St. Louis, MO. – Washington University's chancellor will not meet with students hoping to gain higher pay for service employees unless they end their sit-in.

Chancellor Mark Wrighton talked to members of the Student Worker Alliance briefly Wednesday morning to deliver his message. Students say two other university officials reiterated the position this afternoon.

But Senior Janine Brito says the students will continue the sit-in.

"This is the only way to really hold the university accountable to continue negotiations and to continue to take our requests seriously," Brito said.

Brito says the students will keep asking the chancellor to continue negotiations. She says they're willing to compromise but will hold out until workers are offered better wages and the right to organize.

The group has occupied the university's admissions' office since April 4.
