By Kevin Lavery, KWMU
St. Louis – Sextuplets born to a Metro East couple last Friday remain in critical but stable condition at a west St. Louis County hospital.
The parents say having all six was always their goal.
Doctors say Jacob, Isabella, Madison, Joshua, Rileigh and Tyler - the three boys and three girls born to Ron and Tina Otten of Granite City - are all doing well.
The couple went against the advice of some experts who suggested they voluntarily remove some of the fetuses because they might not fully develop.
"We told them that that would be not an option, and just don't bring it up again because we've made our decision and that was not even a thought," Ron Otten said.
"Yeah, there was no way," Tina Otten said. "If it was meant to be, it was meant to be."
The sextuplets will remain hospitalized for at least six weeks.