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Government Shows Plans for Soil Cleanup Near Airport

By Tom Weber, KWMU

St. Louis – Government plans for cleaning contaminated soil near Lambert Airport will be on display in Hazelwood Thursday.

The plans focus on sites near the airport where spent uranium was stored when government started making atomic weapons.

The Army Corps of Engineers' Lou Dell-Orco said the plan would involve cleaning soil that's easiest to reach first, but waiting to clean areas under buildings or roads.

"We would not touch that soil until a time when it was made available by the city of Hazelwood, [and] the city of Berkeley," Dell-Orco said. "When the city decides to come and do a road improvement we'd come out and support it. When they remove the road, we'd go under and get the material."

The public meeting starts Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Hazelwood Civic Center.
