By Marshall Griffin, KWMU
Jefferson City, MO – Lawmakers have left Jefferson City for their annual Easter break.
This year's holiday arrives at the end of a very contentious week in the Missouri Senate, where two bills, one on tax credits and the other on power plant construction, have sparked shouting matches, criminal accusations, and marathon sessions lasting into the early morning hours.
Senate President Pro-tem Charlie Shields (R, St. Joseph) says he hopes his colleagues will embrace a more positive mindset while enjoying the Easter holiday.
"I still believe that we can get to a point where we can have tax credit reform and an economic development bill," Shields said.
Shields also remains positive that a compromise can be reached on the Construction Work in Progress bill (CWIP), which St. Louis-based AmerenUE says is necessary for them to be able to build a second nuclear reactor in central Missouri.
The Senate will take up the state budget when it convenes again on Tuesday.