The St. Louis Symphony continues its 2011-2012 season this weekend, and you can be right there with them from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12.
On select Saturday evenings, St. Louis Public Radio broadcasts the Symphony's performance over the air, bringing you a live classical music experience wherever you are.
This time around here's what's in store (composers in bold, titles of works in italics):
BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto No. 5, "Emperor"
STRAUSS Death and Transfiguration
RAVEL La Valse
Jun Märkl will conduct the Symphony in their performance, which will also feature pianist Horacio Gutiérrez as the Whitaker Guest Artist.
And don't miss intermission - we'll be talking with Märkl, Gutiérrez and William James, Principal Percussionist of the St. Louis Symphony.
You can follow along with the broadcast yourself with this version of the same program (below) symphony-goers have in the seats at Powell Hall.
Happy listening at 90.7 FM on air or online here! You can also follow along with our host, Robert Peterson, as he live tweets the broadcasts at @RobertPeterson3. Use the hashtag #slsoLIVE to chat about the broadcast as it's happening and talk with other Symphony broadcast listeners before and after the performance.