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Commentary: A walk in the park

This article first appeared in the St. Louis Beacon, April 8, 2011 - One of my very first blogs for the Beacon last summer was about physical fitness. I was encouraging people to get out and move to be fit and healthier. But beyond the physical benefits of exercise, I know that there are also psychological benefits that don't always get as much attention.

I start almost every morning with a walk. As I pointed out before, I have a four-legged, 80-pound reason to do that, but even without his insistence I would still be out walking because of how much it helps my mental outlook.

My walks in the morning are a time for quiet reflection. I start my morning off by thinking about the day and thinking about how I should handle the tasks and challenges that lay ahead. I never wear headphones because one of the things I really value about my walking time is the absence of modern media stimulation. There's no TV to watch, no radio to listen to and I can put my phone on vibrate and ignore it. I would go without the phone all together but I'm something of a Boy Scout on that score ... I once called in a house fire while on my morning walk after I woke up the residents, so I like the idea having my phone with me.

Walking also puts me in touch with nature in a way that is refreshing to me. I walk in Tower Grove Park; and even though it's not a huge park I have seen a coyote, a fox and I regularly see the red tailed hawk that makes the park her territory. Along with all the trees, squirrels, birds and other sights, I appreciate the reminder that even though we have built this city on top of the land, we are still living on the Earth and the Earth is alive.

My job frequently takes me out of the office, which is one of the things I love about it. Even so, I like making the time in the morning to be outdoors and greet the sun. It's a beautiful time of day and I like getting my first dose of vitamin D right away. Getting sunshine really helps my mental state. I don't need the experts to tell me that.

I know what I'm saying is true for me because I have occasionally had a sore knee or foot for a week or so that prevented me from taking my walks. During those periods I can feel the emotional difference. I have said it before and will say it again now, the human body is meant to be in motion. Starting my day off with a walk jump starts every system in my body. My blood starts flowing because my muscles are moving and my lungs are working and my head clears up and the joints get loose.

I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure all this is good for me and just about everyone. It's so easy to feel depressed about all the little things in life and I think that is compounded if you're not working out at least a little bit. If you're not already doing it, I challenge you to take a 30 to 45 minute walk every morning for a month. At the end of the month, you are going to notice a difference in both your physical and mental well-being. You will be better prepared for the day ahead and you will notice that less things bother you so much.

What have you got to lose?

Peter Franzen is the Beacon's Development Director.