In the aftermath of the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, attention has turned to Ferguson. Below are some events that are tied to the issues raised or that are centered in that community.
Grading the News: Media Coverage of Ferguson
When: 6 p.m. Sept. 17
Where: Harris Stowe State University, 3026 Laclede Ave., St. Louis 63103
About: The National Association of Black Journalists is hosting a town hall meeting to discuss the role and responsibility of the news media after the August 9th shooting death of Ferguson youth Michael Brown. The panel will examine how reporters shared information in the aftermath of the event.
Information: Facebook
Meet Scott Briscoe
When: 6:30-8 p.m., Sept. 17
Where: Ferguson Municipal Public Library, 35 N. Florissant Rd., Ferguson 63135
About: The Ferguson Municipal Library hosts Scott Briscoe, a member of the first African-American team to ascend Mount Denali.
Information: Facebook
Run with the Ferguson Running Club
When: 8-9 a.m., Sept. 20
Where: January-Wabash Memorial Park 501 N. Florissant Rd., Ferguson 63135
About: The Ferguson Running Club’s Saturday Club meets every Saturday morning. This running group is geared toward intermediate/advanced runners - usually running 2-6 miles, interval or hill training.
Information: Website
Health & Wellness Fair
When: 8 a.m.-noon, Sept. 20
Where: Ferguson Farmers Market, 20 S. Florissant Rd., Ferguson
Ferguson Community Center Grand Opening Family Fun Fair
When: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 20
Where: Ferguson Community Center, 1050 Smith Ave, Ferguson 63135
Annual Show Me Safety Fair
When: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 20
Where: Urban League of Metro St. Louis, County Office, 8960 Jennings Station Rd., Jennings 63125
America After Ferguson: A PBS News and Public Affairs Town Hall Meeting
When: 2 p.m. (doors open), 2:30 p.m. (audience seated), 3-5 p.m. (event) Sept. 21
Where: Lee Theater, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center, UMSL
Cost: Free, but ticket required.
About: This PBS News and Public Affairs Town Hall Meeting will address some of the complex cultural questions and that have been raised following the events in Ferguson.
Tickets and Information: